
Mourning Doves on a nest under a building overhang in Arizona. Photo by Michael Sadat / Macaulay Library. Originally published in the Spring 2016 issue of ...

At 10:30 am on April 10-2024, Chris Coxson found a female King Eider in a large mixed Scoter flock of over 900 birds off of Little Beach in Ucluelet.Map to ...

Photos have been shared on a Lundy Facebook group confirming a juvenile Ruff was present at Pondsbury on 9th & 10th August - the post can be viewed on ...

At least 4 Ring OuzelsSwallow  

STOKES BIRDING BLOG: Prime Time for Hawk MIgration ...

Perhaps not as gaudy as their mates, hen Surf Scoters are nonetheless handsome ducks. Erika and I took this image on 7 February 2022 at the Billy Frank Jr ...

Subspecies of Song Sparrows can be wildly different in size: The maxima subspecies, photographed in the West Aleutian Islands, can weigh twice ...

At 8:30am on Nov 5-2023, Geoffrey Newell found a female Orchard Oriole in Victoria.  The bird is frequenting Blackberry and Ivy bushes along Radcliffe Lane ...

Welcome arrival of 173 Willow Warbler this morning, most filtering their way down into Millcombe and feeding across the valley. Eight Spotted ...

The x2 Kittiwakes from this morning, found by Ian Rowe.

STOKES BIRDING BLOG: Winter Finch Forecast is Coming! Red Crossbills! ...

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