
To be honest, I never cared too much for swans. On the one hand, they are very easy to see in Germany, swimming in public parks or teaching pensioners how ...

At 3:34pm on Oct 23-2023, Josef Vavra found a Nazca Booby that flew aboard and landed on the FV Ocean Pearl fishing vessel, that he was working on in Haida ...

Classic Lundy conditions today with still winds bringing with it localised mist and thick fog rolling in and out through the day. A single Curlew south ...

Yellow Wagtail 3 (per Alan Dawson)Courtesy of Alan Dawson. 

                                                                    male                                                                   ...

I think dippers are found all year along Tumwater Falls near Olympia. We check the falls and rapids about once a month, but seeing these bird is difficult. ...

Yellow-bellied sapsucker, Schenley Park, 14 April 2024 (photo by Charity Kheshgi) 15 April 2024 Twelve of us gathered in yesterday’s perfect ...

Of all the gulls that occur in Britain, there’s none that is as pelagic as the Kittiwake. It’s a bird that rarely occurs inland, and outside the breeding ...

The author spotted this American Woodcock in the middle of a midtown New York City park. Photo by Heather Wolf / Macaulay Library. From the Spring 2024 ...

At 5pm on Oct 26-2023, William Woodbury photographed a Brown Booby that landed on and rode his fishing vessel “The Hannio Lio.”The Booby was trying to ...

A modest push of hirundines and Swift at 1pm saw 39 Swift, 6 Swallow, 10 Sand and 3 House Martin all push south in the space of 30 minutes. The ...

33 Black Tailed Godwits on Flood field6 Oystercatchers 1 ShelduckGreat White EgretGrasshopper Warbler - Barn fieldLesser Whitethroat Whinchat on ...

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