Inca is a four-month-old female cross-breed puppy.
Inca and her three female siblings were found by bins in an alley in Romania.
Luckily someone found them and they are now in a private shelter there waiting to come to a new life here in the UK.image0.jpeg
The foster has taken great care of them and Inca is a lovely friendly, socialised pup with a cheeky nature.
She plays with other pups that are bigger than her and talks to other adult dogs in the next pen!image1.jpeg
She will be a small to medium sized adult. She could be homed with another dog and we could get her cat tested as there is a cat on site.
A family with older children would be fine too.image2.jpeg
She has a pet passport with all of her medical history in it.
She has been fully vaccinated including the rabies jab and has had all the blood tests necessary to comply with UK regulations.
Just before she travels she will be wormed and given flea treatment.
She would be delivered directly to your home once admin checks have been carried out.
We provide lifetime rescue back up for all of our dogs.